Телепрограмма канала CCTV4

Программа передач CCTV4

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на понедельник

10 февраля

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на вторник

11 февраля

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на среду

12 февраля

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на сегодня

13 февраля

00:30 Memory of China. 01:00 Around China. 01:30 Across the Strait. 02:00 Global News. 03:00 Nostalgia. 03:15 On the Way. 04:00 Memory of China. 04:30 TV Drama. 05:15 TV Drama. 06:00 China News. 07:00 Around China. 07:30 TV Drama. 08:15 TV Drama. 09:00 Memory of China. 09:30 China Showbiz. 10:00 China News. 10:30 TV Drama. 11:15 TV Drama. 12:00 China News. 12:30 Across the Strait. 13:00 China News. 13:30 Asia Today. 14:00 On the Way. 14:45 Nostalgia. 15:00 China News. 15:30 Focus Today. 16:00 TV Drama. 16:45 TV Drama. 17:30 China Showbiz. 18:00 Music Fair. 18:45 Cartoon City. 19:30 Around China. 20:00 Memory of China. 20:30 Across the Strait. 21:00 Network News. 21:30 China Showbiz. 22:00 China News. 22:30 Focus Today. 23:00 On the Way. 23:45 Nostalgia. 23:50 Discoveries.

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на завтра

14 февраля

00:30 Memory of China. 01:00 Around China. 01:30 Across the Strait. 02:00 Global News. 03:00 Nostalgia. 03:15 On the Way. 04:00 Memory of China. 04:30 TV Drama. 05:15 TV Drama. 06:00 China News. 07:00 Around China. 07:30 TV Drama. 08:15 TV Drama. 09:00 Memory of China. 09:30 China Showbiz. 10:00 China News. 10:30 TV Drama. 11:15 TV Drama. 12:00 China News. 12:30 Across the Strait. 13:00 China News. 13:30 Asia Today. 14:00 On the Way. 14:45 Nostalgia. 15:00 China News. 15:30 Focus Today. 16:00 TV Drama. 16:45 TV Drama. 17:30 China Showbiz. 18:00 Music Fair. 18:45 Cartoon City. 19:30 National Treasures found. 20:00 Memory of China. 20:30 Across the Strait. 21:00 Network News. 21:30 China Showbiz. 22:00 China News. 22:30 Focus Today. 23:00 On the Way. 23:45 Nostalgia. 23:55 Discoveries.

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на субботу

15 февраля

00:30 Memory of China. 01:00 Chinese Story. 01:30 Across the Strait. 02:00 Global News. 03:00 Nostalgia. 03:15 On the Way. 04:00 Memory of China. 04:30 TV Drama. 05:15 TV Drama. 06:00 China News. 07:00 National Treasures found. 07:30 TV Drama. 08:15 TV Drama. 09:00 Memory of China. 09:30 China Showbiz. 10:00 China News. 10:30 TV Drama. 11:15 TV Drama. 12:00 Talk with Lu Jian. 12:30 Across the Strait. 13:00 China News. 13:30 Asia Today. 14:00 On the Way. 14:45 Nostalgia. 15:00 China News. 15:30 Focus Today. 16:00 TV Drama. 16:45 TV Drama. 17:30 China Showbiz. 18:00 Music Fair. 18:45 Cartoon City. 19:30 China Showbiz. 20:30 Across the Strait. 21:00 Network News. 21:30 International Depth. 22:00 China News. 22:30 Focus Today. 23:00 Discoveries.

Телепрограмма CCTV4 на воскресенье

16 февраля

00:10 Dreamchaser. 00:30 Universal Show. 01:30 Across the Strait. 02:00 Global News. 03:00 Nostalgia. 03:15 China Showbiz. 04:15 TV Drama. 05:00 TV Drama. 05:45 Nostalgia. 06:00 China News. 07:00 International Depth. 07:30 TV Drama. 08:15 TV Drama. 09:00 Special Program for Opera. 10:00 China News. 10:30 TV Drama. 11:15 TV Drama. 12:00 Universal Show. 13:00 China News. 13:30 China's Public Opinion Field. 14:30 Around China. 15:00 China News. 15:30 Focus Today. 16:00 TV Drama. 16:45 TV Drama. 17:30 Music Fair.

Описание канала CCTV4

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