Телепрограмма канала DW English
Телепрограмма DW English на понедельник
10 февраля
Телепрограмма DW English на вторник
11 февраля
Телепрограмма DW English на сегодня
12 февраля
00:00 DW News. | 00:02 The Day. News in Review. | 00:30 The 77 Percent. Hair & Heritage. | 01:00 DW News. | 01:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 1. | 01:30 Global Us. What connects us all. | 02:00 DW News. | 02:02 The Day. News in Review. | 02:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 03:00 DW News. | 03:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 04:00 DW News. | 04:02 The Day. News in Review. | 04:30 Global Us. What connects us all. | 05:00 DW News. | 05:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 1. | 05:30 Eco Africa. What are the solutions to global food scarcity? | 06:00 DW News. | 06:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 07:00 DW News. | 07:02 The Day. News in Review. | 07:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 08:00 DW News. | 08:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 1. | 08:30 In Good Shape. Look me in the eyes! | 09:00 DW News. | 09:30 Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary. | 10:00 DW News. | 10:30 Eco India. Small acts of kindness make all the difference. | 11:00 DW News. | 11:15 DocFilm. The Stone Age Diet - Part 1: Homo Sapiens, Hunter-Gatherers. | 12:00 DW News. | 12:30 Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary. | 13:00 DW News. | 13:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 14:00 DW News. | 14:15 DocFilm. A Forgotten Heroine - How Emilie Schindler Saved Jewish Lives. | 15:00 DW News. | 15:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 15:30 Eco Africa. What are the solutions to global food scarcity? | 16:00 DW News. | 16:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 17:00 DW News. | 17:30 Eco India. Small acts of kindness make all the difference. | 18:00 DW News. | 18:15 DocFilm. The Stone Age Diet - Part 1: Homo Sapiens, Hunter-Gatherers. | 19:00 DW News. | 19:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 19:30 Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary. | 20:00 DW News. | 20:30 DocFilm. Situationships - The Non-binding Relationship Trend. | 21:00 DW News. | 21:02 In Good Shape. Look me in the eyes! | 21:30 The 77 Percent. Hair & Heritage. | 22:00 DW News. | 22:30 The Day. News in Review. | 23:00 DW News. | 23:02 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 23:15 DocFilm. The Stone Age Diet - Part 1: Homo Sapiens, Hunter-Gatherers. |
Телепрограмма DW English на завтра
13 февраля
00:00 DW News. | 00:02 The Day. News in Review. | 00:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 01:00 DW News. | 01:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 01:30 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 02:00 DW News. | 02:02 The Day. News in Review. | 02:30 Como te afecta? The Program for Latin America's Youth. | 03:00 DW News. | 03:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. | 04:00 DW News. | 04:02 The Day. News in Review. | 04:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 05:00 DW News. | 05:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 05:30 Como te afecta? The Program for Latin America's Youth. | 06:00 DW News. | 06:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. | 07:00 DW News. | 07:02 The Day. News in Review. | 07:30 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 08:00 DW News. | 08:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 08:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 09:00 DW News. | 09:30 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 10:00 DW News. | 10:30 Como te afecta? The Program for Latin America's Youth. | 11:00 DW News. | 11:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 12:00 DW News. | 12:30 Eco India. Small acts of kindness make all the difference. | 13:00 DW News. | 13:30 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 14:00 DW News. | 14:15 DocFilm. The Stone Age Diet - Part 1: Homo Sapiens, Hunter-Gatherers. | 15:00 DW News. | 15:15 Mapped Out. Why Germany isn't leading Europe's defense, and who's going to do it instead? | 15:30 REV. Special. The Trabant: Automotive Lemon or Cult Car? | 16:00 DW News. | 16:30 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 17:00 DW News. | 17:30 In Good Shape. Look me in the eyes! | 18:00 DW News. | 18:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 19:00 DW News. | 19:15 Mapped Out. Why Germany isn't leading Europe's defense, and who's going to do it instead? | 19:30 DW News. Africa. | 20:00 DW News. | 20:30 Global Us. What connects us all. | 21:00 DW News. | 21:02 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 21:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 22:00 DW News. | 22:30 The Day. News in Review. | 23:00 DW News. | 23:02 Mapped Out. Why Germany isn't leading Europe's defense, and who's going to do it instead? | 23:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? |
Телепрограмма DW English на пятницу
14 февраля
00:00 DW News. | 00:02 The Day. News in Review. | 00:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 01:00 DW News. | 01:15 Mapped Out. Why Germany isn't leading Europe's defense, and who's going to do it instead? | 01:30 Best of DW Podcasts. | 02:00 DW News. | 02:02 The Day. News in Review. | 02:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 03:00 DW News. | 03:15 DocFilm. We Will Not Fade Away - Growing Up in War: Part 1. | 04:00 DW News. | 04:02 The Day. News in Review. | 04:30 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 05:00 DW News. | 05:15 Mapped Out. Why Germany isn't leading Europe's defense, and who's going to do it instead? | 05:30 Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine. | 06:00 DW News. | 06:15 DocFilm. We Will Not Fade Away - Growing Up in War: Part 1. | 07:00 DW News. | 07:02 The Day. News in Review. | 07:30 DW News. Africa. | 08:00 DW News. | 08:15 Mapped Out. Why Germany isn't leading Europe's defense, and who's going to do it instead? | 08:30 Best of DW Podcasts. | 09:00 DW News. | 09:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 10:00 DW News. | 10:30 DW News. Africa. | 11:00 DW News. | 11:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. | 12:00 DW News. | 12:30 Best of DW Podcasts. | 13:00 DW News. | 13:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 14:00 DW News. | 14:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 15:00 DW News. | 15:15 REV. The Trabant: The car that defined a nation. | 15:30 In Good Shape. The scary truth about plastic and our health. | 16:00 DW News. | 16:30 Eco India. The Environment Magazine. | 17:00 DW News. | 17:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 18:00 DW News. | 18:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. | 19:00 DW News. | 19:15 REV. The Trabant: The car that defined a nation. | 19:30 Afrimaxx. Modern African Lifestyle. | 20:00 DW News. | 20:30 Best of DW Podcasts. | 21:00 DW News. | 21:02 Focus on Europe. Spotlight on People. | 21:30 Eco Africa. The Environment Magazine. | 22:00 DW News. | 22:30 The Day. News in Review. | 23:00 DW News. | 23:02 REV. The Trabant: The car that defined a nation. | 23:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. |
Телепрограмма DW English на субботу
15 февраля
00:00 DW News. | 00:02 The Day. News in Review. | 00:30 Eco India. The Environment Magazine. | 01:00 DW News. | 01:15 REV. The Trabant: The car that defined a nation. | 01:30 DW News. Africa. | 02:00 DW News. | 02:02 The Day. News in Review. | 02:30 REV. The Global Auto and Mobility Show. | 03:00 DW News. | 03:15 Transforming Business. Hero or zero - are hydrogen trains really the future? | 03:30 Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine. | 04:00 DW News. | 04:02 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 04:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 05:00 DW News. | 05:15 REV. The Trabant: The car that defined a nation. | 05:30 To the Point. International Debate from Berlin. | 06:00 DW News. | 06:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 06:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe. | 07:00 DW News. | 07:02 Arts Unveiled. Experiencing and understanding the art world. | 07:30 The 77 Percent. The Magazine for Africa's Youth. | 08:00 DW News. | 08:15 REV. The Trabant: The car that defined a nation. | 08:30 REV. The Global Auto and Mobility Show. | 09:00 DW News. | 09:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 09:30 Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine. | 10:00 DW News. | 10:15 DocFilm. The Stone Age Diet - Part 1: Homo Sapiens, Hunter-Gatherers. | 11:00 DW News. | 11:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 11:30 In Good Shape. The scary truth about plastic and our health. | 12:00 DW News. | 12:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 12:30 DocFilm. Empire of Silence. | 14:00 DW News. | 14:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 14:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe. | 15:00 DW News. | 15:15 DocFilm. We Will Not Fade Away - Growing Up in War: Part 1. | 16:00 DW News. | 16:15 Reporter. On Location. | 16:30 The 77 Percent. The Magazine for Africa's Youth. | 17:00 DW News. | 17:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 1. | 17:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe. | 18:00 DW News. | 18:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 18:30 DW News. Africa. | 19:00 DW News. | 19:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 19:30 The 77 Percent. The Magazine for Africa's Youth. | 20:00 DW News. | 20:15 Reporter. On Location. | 20:30 DW News. Africa. | 21:00 DW News. | 21:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. | 22:00 DW News. | 22:15 Reporter. On Location. | 22:30 Afrimaxx. Modern African Lifestyle. | 23:00 DW News. | 23:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 23:30 DocFilm. Empire of Silence. |
Телепрограмма DW English на воскресенье
16 февраля
01:00 DW News. | 01:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 01:30 Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine. | 02:00 DW News. | 02:02 DocFilm. Saving Beavers and Pond Turtles. | 02:30 In Good Shape. The scary truth about plastic and our health. | 03:00 DW News. | 03:15 Reporter. On Location. | 03:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe. | 04:00 DW News. | 04:02 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 04:15 DocFilm. Saving Our Soil - Farming with a Future. | 05:00 DW News. | 05:15 Reporter. On Location. | 05:30 DocFilm. Saving Beavers and Pond Turtles. | 06:00 DW News. | 06:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 06:30 DocFilm. Empire of Silence. | 08:00 DW News. | 08:15 Reporter. On Location. | 08:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe. | 09:00 DW News. | 09:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 09:30 Arts Unveiled. Experiencing and understanding the art world. | 10:00 DW News. | 10:15 DocFilm. Prosperity Without Growth - Is it Possible? | 11:00 DW News. | 11:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 11:30 The 77 Percent. The Magazine for Africa's Youth. | 12:00 DW News. | 12:15 Reporter. On Location. | 12:30 REV. The Global Auto and Mobility Show. | 13:00 DW News. | 13:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 13:30 The 77 Percent. The Magazine for Africa's Youth. | 14:00 DW News. | 14:15 Reporter. On Location. | 14:30 Arts Unveiled. Experiencing and understanding the art world. | 15:00 DW News. | 15:15 DocFilm. The Stone Age Diet - Part 1: Homo Sapiens, Hunter-Gatherers. | 16:00 DW News. | 16:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 16:30 DocFilm. Saving Beavers and Pond Turtles. | 17:00 DW News. | 17:15 Business. Can the EU compete with China's rail plans?: Part 2. | 17:30 Arts Unveiled. Experiencing and understanding the art world. | 18:00 DW News. | 18:15 Reporter. On Location. | 18:30 Afrimaxx. Modern African Lifestyle. | 19:00 DW News. | 19:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 19:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe. | 20:00 DW News. | 20:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age. | 20:30 REV. The Global Auto and Mobility Show. | 21:00 DW News. | 21:15 DocFilm. We Will Not Fade Away - Growing Up in War: Part 1. | 22:00 DW News. | 22:15 Sports Life. Overcoming Challenges with Sports. | 22:30 DW News. Africa. | 23:00 DW News. | 23:15 Reporter. On Location. | 23:30 Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine. |